Machine Learning (DSGA-1003)

Course Description

The course covers general machine learning methods including generalized linear models, graphical models, causal inference, and reinforcement learning. There will be homework assignments along with a final project. Reading responses will be required every week along with a scribe of one lecture.

Lecture Location

Tuesday 4:55-6:35pm; Location: 238 Thompson St (GCASL) Room C95

Reading Assignments


In addition to the research project, a weekly reading response is due in class along with a couple of homework assignments. Students can summarize or focus and explain in detail some part(s) of the reading assignments (max one-page pdf). Students will be required to scribe one lecture in latex. This document should synthesize the key points in the lecture, where if another student reads it, they would understand the material from the class. A total of 7 late days can be used shared across all homework assignments.


There will be a research project due at the end of the term.

Use of Generative AI

You can use Generative AI tools to get help with homework assignments and final project. However, you must report exactly in the submissions for which part of the assignment you used Generative AI and what initial prompt you used.

Office Hours