Machine Learning (CSCI-GA.2565-001)

Course Description

The course covers general machine learning methods including generalized linear models, graphical models, causal inference, and reinforcement learning. There will be homework assignments along with a final project. Reading responses will be required every week along with a scribe of one lecture. The class will be live over zoom.

Lecture Location

Tuesday 7:10-9:00pm; Location: SILV 405 (100 Wash. Sq. East)

Reading Assignments

Each week, you will study from an assigned reading in the days leading up to lecture. These readings are mostly from the two common texts on ML, Bishop and Murphy, along with the Deep Learning book and some articles.

You should write a small (1/3-1/2 page) reflection on the reading. You can summarize the reading in a sentence or two, but the main point is let you ask any remaining questions you have. In class, we will gladly address questions.

As with the homeworks, you should submit these on Gradescope by 5pm EST on the day of the lecture.


The graded assignments in this class are the homeworks, reading responses (see above), and project. Finally, students will be required to scribe one lecture in latex.

Homeworks are due at 5pm EST on the lecture day they are due.


There will be a research project due at the end of the term.

Late Policy

We allow you to spend 9 late days without penalty throughout the semester. No need to email us when using them. A whole late day is used for submissions past ~11:59pm EST.

Office Hours

All office hours are online and in EST time. You can find links on Brightspace.